lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

BAD COPS, Oldie but Goody. Viejo pero bueno

Why hello thar...

Welcome, this time for tonight I decided to post and old video me and a couple of friends made back when Halo 2 was the rage on Xbox Live, its a video showing BAD COPS, why are they bad cops? well because they suck at being cops actually. sorry but this video has no english subs since its really old, we plan on reviving the project using Halo 3 engine and this time it will have subs but for now just enjoy the oldie but goodie.

Hola, esta noche e decido postear un viejo video que hicimos unos amigos y yo de cuando el Halo 2 estaba de moda en el Xbox Live, aqui mostramos a los BAD COPS (policias malos), pero porque son malos? porque apestan como policias. estamos planeando revivir esta serie proximamente utilizando el Halo 3 asi que esten pendientes. mientras tanto disfruten de este video.

2 comentarios:

Kain Garland dijo...

You wont be able to, muahahahaha

Balvis dijo...

Je je huuuu si...recuerdo haber visto este hace tiempo, me resulto bastante gracioso xP